Yearning (PAST| Present| Future)
![]() How is it that I yearn... I am not feeling blue...not feeling depressed but there some things I just miss, yearn to feel or hear. I need to feel familiar, familiar to me and to those I haven't seen in a while. I don't know if you've ever felt like time just doesn't go by... at least not fast enough, at least not like we would want it. As time passes by in my little cubicle I call my office I feel the anticipation building up...I feel at peace with the decisions I am making in my life although I know not all people would agree with me which is why I have kept it under tight lip. Well my friend who was pregnant had a miscarriage, I mourned in silence as one would usually do when such things happen. I feel sad but I know time will only make it up to her. I hate when people say "it's not her time" or "it wasn't meant to happen" to me that sounds cold and aloof...feelings I don't like to harbor within me. I know what it's like not having something, yearning, and mourning... Apparently, my writing has been a sort of a séance...waking the dead I had not heard from in some know "despertando fantasmas de mi pasado". That is a posting within itself. Someone (you know WHO YOU ARE) ;) decided it would be nice to google my name and came across my blog and found the way to email me pararon los pelos when I read that fucking email. It revived way too many feeling and memories of my relationship with was that same guy (and ex-boyfriend) I had spoken about in this entry about racism. It happened to be that I had written that post and he happened to come across it...I always knew there was a weird connection between us, this encounter just confirmed it. I am tempted to post about my past relationships because, although they are just that, PAST, they still hold alot of feeling of love, loss, and grief. Lessons learned in life....maybe I'll call it that. I can't say I've had ALOT of real relationships...I've had my share...some more important than others that's for sure, but there are at least 4 (including my husband) that I can say truly SHOOK me up and formed part of what I am today. I know it would be interesting for me to revisit the aspects of love, loss, and grief in each of these but I don't know if I would have the guts. Not because someone would come across this, like it has happened before, but because I am not sure I am ready for going into such deep waters...too much pain sometimes. Bueno, I will call it a post for today, and Ashar Edith I will soon post about what brought me to Las Vegas, NV as soon as I can clear some things here at work. |
Comments on "Yearning (PAST| Present| Future)"
Está fuerte lo del miscarriage de tu amiga. La esposa de uno de mis mejores amigos acaba de perder un bebé de 5 meses, y lo tuvo que parir así. Yo tuve un miscarriage de un embarazo de gemelos a las 10 semanas de encinta y fue absolutamente horrible. No puedo imaginarme lo que debe haber sido para ellos.
La verdad es que nadie sabe lo que uno está sintiendo en ese momento. Y aunque te haya pasado, comoquiera se hace difícil consolar verdaderamente a alguien que esté pasando por eso, porque cada experiencia de esas es un mundo. A veces mientras menos se diga, mejor es, como tú dices, "mourn in silence".
Hola Zen
Krjo (perdona el poema) hoy me siento igual, estoy por acá en Yongsan, Seul Korea y no puedo estar más gris que el cielo de por acá. Hace unos días estoy en las mismas, recordando los fantasmas del pasado y la gente que ya no esta fisicamente conmigo. La única que no me pesa recordar es a mi madre, quien falleció hace 1 año y medio aproximadamente. Me hace demasiada falta. Hoy tengo ganas de estar en Puerto Rico. Take care
I had someone google me once not nice.
It's hard to have to face memories and things that were in the past. Most of my past I think is still loose and I have not come to terms with putting closure, as if for some reason Closure would erase a part of me. Especially those memories that envolve relationships. These are always the hardest.
Sorry to read about your friend's miscarriage. I can't ever begin to imagine how difficult and straining that must be..
Lots of Cyber Hugs!!
Mija' hace tiempo que no se te veia por estos lares'. Que bueno que me visitastes. Lo de los gemelos tuyos me da...tristeza. Es algo bien fuerte que yo se que no se puede describir. Mi amiga tambien lo "pario" y para ella fue bien doloroso. Es algo bein de mujeres verdad? Perder algo se. Anyway...te cuidas y sigue buscando arte "absurdo" en las calles de PR!
WOW...un boricua en Korea! Que haces por alla...Army? Y yo creia que estaba lejos ;) Lo de tu mama me da tristeza siente un vacio doble, por la madre y por la patria. Yo no me puedo imaginar no tener a mami y estar lejos de mi casa...el pensarlo me da un vacio en el estomago que no se lo deseo a nadie. Tienes familia todavia en PR? Cuando vuelves a sentir una brisa de mar? Se que en Korea hay pero como la brisa de PR jamas verdad? Espero que nuestros dias dejen de ser grises para ser TAN azul como el cielo de verano de PR (en dias sin ondas tropicales)...que crees? Te cuidas and HUGSSSSSS from Las Vegas, NV.
morning eyes:
Gracias por enviarme esa brisita tropical...bien que me hace falta. Cuano uno le da con recordar como que se le jode a uno la chola (como digo yo). Otra vez estoy imaginando la humedad y el sabor a sal en mis labios....te cuidas!
No...being googled sucks ASSSSSS! Not nice at all. You know what...I can never seem to bring closure to my past...although I am happily married with a kid and all...pienso TAN como como si I would loose some part of me with closing chapters. Tenemos MUCHO en comun. I rather have them there and come back to read these chapters so I can have something back...funny huh? Thanxs for all those Cyber Hugs...I'll use one or two now and have another one during the day, for when I get lost in fucking usual! Te cuidas y un abrazote a ti my friend!
Huuum!! De que ex te estaras acordando? Estoy segura que quien eeess! The Ghost of Christmas Past...
Anyway, voy a leer el post al que haces referencia a ver si lo saco.
Mirar hacia atras...
me acuerda algo que lei en un libro de Kurt Vonnegut que decia que su personaje favorito de la Biblia era "Lot's wife" que miró atrás y se convirtió en un pilar de sal...
Vonnegut escribió:
"I love her. Because looking back was such a human thing to do."
Tu sabes tanto de mis ex's que esta cabron. Si me vieras ahora estoy con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja porque me acuerdo de todas las veces que me decias "SO PUTA...quien esta en el cuarto?" Me meo de la risa con tantos recuerdos que compartimos en EL Escorial II Apt 903! UFFF!