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Nombre: Zen
Ubicación: Lugar Bello, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

Tengo 35 yrs. Estoy felizmente casada y tengo un hijo de 7 yr. Trabajo en Aguadilla, PR y me encanta. Por fin tengo un sentido de pertenencia. Soy "Army Brat". He viajado mucho en mi vida y me encantaria que mi hijo aprendiera de este mundo tambien. Soy bilingue y me expreso como tal. AMO a mi Puerto Rico y haria CUALQUIER cosa por la isla y defenderla de agresores fisicos y/o verbales.

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12 julio 2006

Coming back for more (Past| Present| Future)

Hay algo en lo que escribí ayer que como le revolque algo a las personas especiales que me leen...en especial a Missss Poppinssssss (como le digo de cariño y con mucho afecto), y a justmeguy (un bloggero/ser humano super especial y poético que me inspira por tener alma de viejito-como diria yo).

Aqui les dejo parte de los pensamientos que me dejaron pensando de mi y como confronto los "The Ghost of Christmas Past" como bien me dice J. Colon-Bilbraut en su repuesta a mi post de ayer.

Mary Poppins said... (and I quote partailly...the rest is in the comments section)
*****....It's hard to have to face memories and things that were in the past. Most of my past I think is still loose and I have not come to terms with putting closure, as if for some reason Closure would erase a part of me. Especially those memories that envolve relationships. These are always the hardest. ...
6:39 AM

Zen said... (My response to Misssss Poppinssssss...partially quoted, the rest is in the comments section)
MiSSSSSSSS PoppinSSSSSSS: ...You know what...I can never seem to bring closure to my past...although I am happily married with a kid and all...pienso TAN como como si I would loose some part of me with closing chapters. Tenemos MUCHO en comun. I rather have them there and come back to read these chapters so I can have something back...funny huh?...
8:13 AM

justmeguy said... (and I quote in full)
Mirar hacia atras...
me acuerda algo que lei en un libro de Kurt Vonnegut que decia que su personaje favorito de la Biblia era "Lot's wife" que miró atrás y se convirtió en un pilar de sal...
Vonnegut escribió:
"I love her. Because looking back was such a human thing to do."
12:39 PM

Como ven en mi respuesta a Mary Poppins, yo siempre he tenido miedo en cerrar ciertos capítulos en mi vida. Y siempre pensé que eso estaba mal...hasta que recibí el comment de justmeguy...que hermoso me pareció, que humano es el mirar hacia atrás y saber que YO no me convertiré en sal.

Hay algo en todo esto que brings me comfort and leaves me in peace with the fact that it is totally okay to leave things open...these are not necesarily open wounds...I would go as far as to view them as tattoos of life...

You totally come excited to the tattoo shop...
fixated on having what you want done...
you work with the person who will be performing that art with you...
you compromise,
you sit and in the process of getting the tattoo done
(that beautiful piece you want on your body-sometimes visible-sometimes not)
you could experience pain/pleasure/fright/excitement
but you wanted's a commitment...
the process is over...
you admire it...
you take care of it...
and with time...
you either regret it...
or come back for more....
depending on the artist,
your satisfaction,
and whether or not that was the right thing to do...
only you know!
But what IS real is that you can always come back to it
whether you touch it or admire it, or want to laser it out...
it's all about you...
what you want to do once that is there.

I see revisiting the past as that, a scar or a piece of art (written, sketched, etched, voiced, whatever the case) and maybe it's because I have a tattoo that I LOVE (only one done so far) that is permanent...(much like my husband) and no matter how many more I get I will always have that one to look at and come back to...whether it be to yearn, mourn, or love!

::and I come to close my mental diarreah::

::se sacude la cabeza y vuelve a su normalidad::

Comments on "Coming back for more (Past| Present| Future)"


Blogger EdotR said ... (6:46 p. m.) : 

Fuck. I could not have said that better myself.

I have three tatoos, and every once in a while I look back, Because each represents a space in time, an era, a moment.


I think some things will never have closure. But as long as we are at peace with's all good.

Ok...Now back to your regularly scheduled program..

Estoy en un viaje..sera lo que me fume hoy...

::shakes head in shame::


Blogger JCB said ... (5:46 a. m.) : 

Huuumm! He extrañado un comentario tuyo en mi ultima entrada. Te confieso que estaba ansiosa aguardando tu opinion sobre el mismo...


Anonymous Anónimo said ... (5:46 a. m.) : 

Huuumm! He extrañado un comentario tuyo en mi ultima entrada. Te confieso que estaba ansiosa aguardando tu opinion sobre el mismo...


Blogger Zen said ... (3:31 p. m.) : 

Missssss Poppinsssssss:
Great comment...apparently being "enlightened" aslo makes you "profound"....;) Why don't you ever talk about those tattoos in your blog...I would love to know what you were thinking and will these markings ever have closure?

Te envie mi reaccion al posting pero si no lo hice antes fue porque par mi es dificil poner mi punto sin pensar que ofendo o que soy conflictiva...ju no wat ai min?

No mija'no estas sola. Yo tengo la teoria nueva de que es mejor no cerrar...siempre te pierdes al intentarlo. GRACIAS Y QUE TE MEJORES!!!


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